The best motivational books for students stimulate brain functioning, enabling you to obtain higher clarity and insights on your environment and also yourself. You will gain self-knowledge and gain a more elevated purpose in life which will help you stay on track toward achieving your goals. 

21 motivation books for students

Here are the best study motivation books that you should take a closer look at.  These are also some of the best books for students’ motivational needs. 

  • Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance: This is by Angela Duckworth, the CEO & Founder of Character Lab, talking about her relationship with a parent who was never appreciative of her attributes and intelligence.
    Grit is the result of endurance combined with passion (a profound, persistent knowledge of what you want) (hard work, and resilience). It involves traveling steadily in the same direction as if you had a strong internal compass that directed all of your choices and deeds.
  • You are a Badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life- This self-help volume is excellent for those seeking a self-transformation of sorts and will help you get on the pathway towards improved personal development. This is by Jen Sincero, acclaimed coach and author. The goal of Badass is to assist you in recognising and modifying the self-defeating thoughts and actions that prevent you from achieving your goals, overcoming your anxieties so you can take exciting chances, learning how to earn a lot of money, and developing self-love.
  • How to win friends & influence people: This is a bestseller, teaching people about varied methods of getting people to appreciate them and win over friends. This is by none other than Dale Carnegie. It teaches you innumerable techniques that can help you become likable, manage your relationships well, win people over, and influence others without being intrusive.
  • The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology that Fuel Success and Performance at Work- This book is by Shawn Achor and talks about learning the secrets to being happy. According to the psychological idea known as “The Happiness Advantage,” success at work is correlated with one’s level of happiness. According to this theory, people will be more successful if they are happier.
  • The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living- This book lives up to its name, offering translations from several legendary philosophers. The Daily Stoic examines 366 meditations from classical contemporary thinkers in order to explore the three key stoic notions. By highlighting areas for improvement that we may work on through a new perspective, actions of change, and the force of will, the book addresses the natural thinking process of humans.
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective  People: This book is about building these habits and drawing inspiration from the same. A method focusing on principles is presented in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for both interpersonal and personal effectiveness. It seeks to modify your inner core, character, and motives rather than concentrating on changing the outward manifestations of your behaviour and attitudes.
  • The Confidence Gap: A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt: This Russ Harris book is all about gaining more self-confidence and ridding ourselves of fears. The confidence gap, according to Harris, is the chasm between confidence-inspiring behavior and sentiments. He persuasively argues that a lot of people think that being self-assured is a requirement before acting with force and skill.
  • 100 Days to Brave: Devotions for Unlocking Your Most Courageous Self: This book is about overcoming fears, gaining courage, and moving up in the world.100 Days to Brave will offer you the strength and confidence to proceed, whether you’re dealing with a loss, making a big decision, or facing a phobia. New York Times bestselling author Annie F. Downs challenges you to embrace the route and plan God has for you with honesty and relatable humor.
  • Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead: This book is by Brene Brown and talks about embracing vulnerabilities for a better life ahead.  One of her three New York Times bestsellers shows how the vulnerability is the foundation of all emotions, including good ones like love, joy, and passion as well as healthy ones like fear, anxiety, and shame. She asserts that since vulnerability is neither good nor evil, we could all use a bit more of it in our lives.
  • A Year of Positive Thinking: Daily Inspiration, wisdom, and courage: This book is about some nuggets of inspiration that will help you draw on time-tested psychology principles. 365 days of positive thinking exercises, mantras, and reflections for self-respect, kindness, and love are included in A Year of Positive Thinking. A flexible framework based on the 12-month calendar year (January–December) that may be begun whenever, wherever, and whenever you’re ready.
  • Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness: This is for those seeking positive vibes and is written by Vex King. This talks about self-love. In the book Good Vibes, Good Life, the author discusses how to achieve your goals, live a purposeful life, and be grateful for the little things. In order to be content with oneself, the author suggests accepting who you are as you are. You can start manifesting right away using this information as a base.
  • The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Masters: This book talks about why we sabotage ourselves and why we cannot free ourselves from various things. The topic of Brianna Wiest’s novel The Mountain is You is the obstacle preventing you from leading the life you desire. The mountain is used by the author to illustrate how your flaws, experiences, insecurities, and hardships up to this point have combined through time to create your unique challenge, which you must meet in order to advance.
  • Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World: This book by Cal Newport is about learning various methods relating to building cognitive focus intensely. According to Deep Work, we have lost the ability to fully engage in difficult work and focus intensely on it. The book outlines four straightforward rules that will help you regain this ability.
  • Atomic Habits: This book is also about finding success by highlighting habit creation, bad habits, and more. A regular routine or practice known as an “atomic habit” is a part of the system of compound growth that is not only quick and simple to perform but also a source of incredible strength. Bad habits keep coming back, not because you don’t want to change but rather because your strategy for change is flawed.
  • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up- The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing: Marie Kondo writes about productivity and how we can enhance it along with happiness, from our living zones and homes. There is much more to The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up than just cleaning, decluttering, and organising your possessions. It’s also important to consider how the things you choose to own affect your way of life and how you think about and view the world.
  • The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits that will transform your life before 8 A.M.: This book by Hal Elrod is about starting early each day and building routines based on several personal development activities. Simply waking up an hour early and using that hour to work on yourself is what Miracle Morning is all about. There are 6 Life S.A.V.E.R.S. practices in particular that can help you change your inner circumstances, which will then change your outer circumstances.
  • Make your bed: Little things that can change your life…and maybe the world: This is a book based on the commencement speech at the University of Texas by Admiral William H. McRaven that went viral. Make Your Bed shows that success is a combination of individual willpower and shared support, inspiring you to work for your objectives and improve the lives of others.
  • Steal like an artist: 10 things nobody told you about being creative: This book is about ten key principles for creativity. This also includes insights on letting those creative juices flow. As long as you remember to have fun, create the ideal workspace for your art, and don’t allow criticism or praise derail you, Steal As An Artist offers you permission to steal your idols’ artwork and use it as a springboard to establish your own, original style.
  • The War of Art: Break through the blocks and win your inner creative battles: This book by Steven Pressfield is about loving oneself. The targeted readers are writers and many others. The War of Art, a nonfiction book by American author Steven Pressfield, was published in 2002. The book focuses on the types of resistance experienced by businesspeople, sportsmen, and others attempting to break down creative obstacles.
  • Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear: This book is from the author of Eat Pray Love, and talks about her own process of creativity. Elizabeth Gilbert’s writings have long served as sources of motivation and emancipation for readers of various ages and professions. This well-known author now delves deeply into her own creative process to impart her knowledge and distinct viewpoint on creativity. She provides insightful explanations of the enigmatic nature of inspiration with a deep sense of empathy and dazzling kindness. She urges us to let go of unnecessary sorrow and embrace our curiosity. She demonstrates to us how to take on and conquer our greatest loves and fears. 
  • The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life: This book by Twyla  Tharp is about hard work and preparing for creativity which is accessible to every person. The Creative Habit is a fun “how to” book that emphasises success-inducing work habits. Instead of focusing on the lightning bolt of inspiration, it emphasises the artistic importance of traditional virtues like routine, preparation, and discipline.


These study motivation books will help you embrace your own insecurities, clear mental blocks, and get on the road toward a happier, healthier, and more successful life.

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