Student consultant, the term itself is kind of self-explanatory.
The two parts to it, student and a consultant.
Student is just like any kind of college student that's there.
And consultant is just a person that basically helps some kind of organization, help them
solve any kind of problems that they have.
And the problems kind of varies across different domains.
Like you can help them with technological problems, can be business problems, operations,
supply chain problems, and so on.
So only that part of it kind of varies.
And during my college, I had an opportunity to be a part of an organization, a global
And the way it works is that there are multiple branches in different colleges.
It's called as 180 Degrees Consulting, very similar to the ESEL, TEDx model.
And so what we do is that we are a group of around like 25 people in our college where
we get together and reach out to a lot of nonprofit organizations and startups and reach
out to them asking if they have any kind of problem statements or projects that we
could work on as students.
And most of these projects kind of go on for like a duration of one to two months.
And during this process, we get to know a lot about that particular industry, about
that particular company.
It's an amazing learning experience for us also.
I would highly encourage people to become student consultants in whatever expertise
or domain that they are in.
It's not necessary that you have to be a student consultant just to get into consulting.
It can be absolutely anything.