
product management


Most people know what product management is. Data Product Management is a brand new discipline in the workplace. When it comes to creating data-driven products, data product management is the best approach. This new approach led to creating a new position in tech companies, the data product manager. This article will explain data product management and how it differs from regular product management. What are the typical projects that data product managers manage? What skills are required for this job? Is your company in need of a data product manager? These are the questions that this article seeks answers to. What is data product management? Data product management is the strategic development, launch, and support of data products. To design the best data products, data product management must focus on users and not just data products. What’s a data product? You may be curious about what exactly these data products are. Data products…

A good user story tells you what’s motivating the user and what problem they want to solve. In order to make an informal description that is actually easy to understand for both consumer and the creator, requires a proper system. Like this one below: Hence we need a template that defines 3 things for the PM, What to produceHow to produceWhom to produce. Once all three questions are answered it becomes easier to follow the framework. Let’s take an example to understand it more precisely. As a registered user on a website, I want to change my password so that I can keep my account secure, or as a mobile app user, I want to save my data to the cloud so that I can access it from other devices. In both the above statements you can see that all the 3 questions have been answered and a simple one-line…

What is User Story? A user story helps the business to divide its plans to achieve its objectives into performable tasks. User stories are important since they keep the teams’ focus on the user and how a certain product feature will benefit them. One of the most important parts of a user’s story is to understand from their point of view. Additionally, it helps the teams to manage workflow with both speed and flexibility. Last but not the least, it encourages collaborative, creative thinking. By stating the why but not how they empower designers and engineers to build with the right goal in mind. There are certainly two parts to this first from the viewpoint of business and another from the viewpoint of individual consumers. Let’s discuss the company’s viewpoint first. Hence it makes the coding work look easier. It also adds a human factor to the software by taking…

What do you think a user story really is? Why is it important for both customers and businesses? A typical definition for a user story is a software development tool such as a productivity tool used to determine exactly what is desired from the software so that codes can be accurately created. But a user story is a lot more than that.  The product design process/product developer will be perfect if it is working in a respective manner. User story format helps in better understanding the usefulness of the product from the customer perspective and helps in achieving customer success and satisfaction. Structure of a User Story To understand, let’s take an example, if you want to deposit in your bank account, what you’d admire as a customer from the app or website of the bank is a smooth and fast transaction because that was the sole purpose behind introducing…